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Fire & Smoke Damage Restoration

Fires are among the most feared natural disasters because they can cause widespread damage in a home just as suddenly as they can start. There are a variety of potential causes of a fire such as cooking, smoking, candles, electronics, and the dryer. Once a fire starts, the flames can quickly engulf much of the home or building. The threat of damage does not stop when the fire is put out as soot and corrosive byproducts continue to linger and cause damage to various objects and surfaces. ServiceMaster Restoration by Complete provides fire and smoke damage restoration services for fire-damaged homes and buildings. Our 1-2 hour response helps us limit the spread of soot and corrosive byproducts to prevent permanent damage.

Fires cause so many layers of damage in a home or building, affecting everything from the structural elements of the building to your personal belongings. The majority of the damage actually occurs after the fire is out. Soot and corrosive byproducts from burnt synthetic materials continue to settle and cause tarnishing and etching on the affected surfaces. Our technicians have the training, equipment, and contracting experience to effectively rebuild and restore the damage caused by fires. We can also remove tarnishing and etching caused by soot and corrosive byproducts from aluminum, chrome, brass, tile, porcelain, marble, carpeting, and upholstery with our powerful chemical cleaners.

The fire damage restoration services we provide include these basic steps:

  • Emergency pre-cleaning
  • Content cleaning and pack-out
  • Wall and ceiling cleaning
  • Deodorization

It is very important to begin the fire damage repair as soon as possible because the tarnishing and etching from the soot and corrosive byproducts can cause permanent damage. After calling ServiceMaster Restoration by Complete for fire damage restoration services, follow these tips to help prevent further damage.

Steps to Take for Fire Damage Restoration

  • If the outside temperature is above 60 degrees, air out your home by opening the windows.
  • Wipe soot from porcelain, aluminum, chrome, and Formica surfaces to prevent damage.
  • Change the air filter of your furnace if it uses forced hot air,
  • Tape a damp cheesecloth over each return and supply vent to filter soot from the air.
  • Dispose of all open food packages.
  • If the power is out, thoroughly clean out your refrigerator.
  • Set smoke-damaged clothing and fabrics aside for specialized dry cleaning services.

What to Avoid After a Fire

  • Do not touch wood, drywall, or upholstery with soot damage because the oils in your hand can compound the damage.
  • Do not wash walls with soot damage because the wrong cleaning products or methods can make it worse.
  • Do not attempt to clean your carpet or upholstery.
  • Do not use electrical appliances until they can be inspected and deemed safe.
  • Do not use ceiling fixtures if the ceiling is wet.

Once you ensure everyone’s safety and get the fire put out, you must immediately call a trusted fire damage restoration company to prevent further damage. The soot and corrosive byproducts lingering after the fire usually cause more damage than the fire itself. Make sure you call ServiceMaster Restoration by Complete if you have experienced fire damage to your home or building. You can reach us 24 hours a day at (718) 524-3830 for fire damage emergencies.

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